Monday, December 23, 2019
Informative Speech on Autism - 832 Words
â€Å"Work to view my autism as a different ability rather than a disability. Look past what you may see as limitations and see the gifts autism has given me†¦Be my advocate, be my friend, and we’ll see just how far we can go†–Ellen Botbohm, author of Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew. Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is a complex developmental disability. I happen to have two nephews with autism, one who I am very close to and interact with a lot. A child is usually diagnosed with autism during the first three years of life. It is a result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, and affects the development of the person’s communication and social interaction†¦show more content†¦My sister went through some parental interviews, having been asked question such as if there had ever been anyone on either side of my nephews’ family with autism, or if she had observed any abnormal behavior with David since he was born. She indicated that she noticed he would cry most of the time or scream a lot. Her observations and the tests that the doctors performed helped them come to the conclusion that David in fact was autistic. Research suggests that children as young as 1 year old can show signs of autism. Some of these signs are, no speaking or limited speech, difficulty in expressing wants and needs, crying, laughing, becoming angry, or screaming for no apparent reason, no babbling by the age of one, having random tantrums, and little or no eye contact. During the time I have spent with David since he was born, I have noticed many of these signs, especially the tantrums and the screaming or crying. He screams and cries when there is something he wants, but because of the lack of speech we do not understand him. There are also some symptoms that accompany autism. Some children may have a sensitivity to light and loud sounds. Others may experience insomn ia, or, like my nephew, may take a very long time to fall asleep at night. Although all of these factors may indicate that a child has autism, children with autism are very special in their own ways. They canShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech : Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesInformative Speech: Autism Spectrum Disorder Attention Getter: Some of us parents take it for granted when our kids talk so much, ask so many questions, or clown around all day long. We tend to forget how there are some parents that don’t get that right away. Topic Disclosure: Today I am going to talk to you about autism spectrum disorder. Preview: During my speech I will discuss: I. Causes of autism II. Symptoms III. 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All impairments can range from mild to severe. Individuals with autism may lack speech altogether or only learn basic language specific to their needs. In the area of social interaction, the individualRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1409 Words  | 6 Pagesin 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States (Autism Speaks, n.d.). Can be diagnosed in all racial and ethnic groups, as well as every age group. In the 2013 publication of DSM-5 diagnostic manual, Asperger syndrome, Autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder- not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) were merged into one category of ASD. This paper will explain what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, causes, signs and symptoms,Read MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )1080 Words  | 5 Pages Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a category of conditions also referred to as pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
How can I as a Nurse Change the Public Health System in the USA Free Essays
The functions of the public health care system according to Deacon (2001) are: improving the health and well-being of the population; preventing disease and reducing its consequences; prolonging life; and minimizing imbalance in health. The United States government has always been persistent in addressing public health. In line with this, the government proposed a new public health reform that attempts to acquire a wider coverage of state residents by requiring them to get a health care coverage. We will write a custom essay sample on How can I as a Nurse Change the Public Health System in the USA? or any similar topic only for you Order Now According to (2007), the reform would have the following provisions: 1) Residents having 250% and below of poverty level would receive subsidies from the state; 2) Residents having up to 400% of poverty level would have the opportunity to remove health care premium costs that are beyond 5.5% of their compensation; and 3) Residents who retire before age 65 would be given tax credits to avert them from spending more than 10% of their insurance savings. The planned reform attempts a wider coverage so it prohibits insurers to turn down residents wishing to acquire health care coverage. However, critics contend that the health care reform would be unfair and unproductive. In addition, it would be unsustainable – politically and financially. Public servants such as myself who belong to the nursing profession concern ourselves with the community’s health. We play a critical role in improving public’s health based on their knowledge, adequacy, and accessibility as mentioned by Deacon (2001). Our knowledge as nurses is quite depended by the public since they have extensive awareness of the communities they serve and the needs of these. We as nurses are also considered to be in a position to work for the public since they are regarded legitimate individuals that promote health improvement. The adequacy of nurses also enables people to confidentially discuss issues with them since they are viewed to be part of a large population of both ill and well. (2008) asserted that the contribution of nurses, like myself, to the health care reform will be on the calculations of the patient result quality and costs of health care. Nevertheless, nurses can help change the existing health care system by providing substantive information to the community at large, thereby educating them with the cure and prevention of certain diseases. DOH (2000) stated that nurses are responsible of health awareness activities such as immunizations, cancer screening, and helping people with diabetes and asthma live dynamically. Problems with communities can also be addressed by nurses by facilitating groups that will educate individuals with health issues such as smoking and mental illness. Above all, these public figures should be well informed in educational and organizational support to be fully trusted by local communities as health practitioners so that they may be able to embark systematic measures to change the current health care system the society is put in. Public health care reforms are made for the benefit of state residents, but some reforms are just too costly and unproductive to be appreciated by average citizens. Nevertheless, nurses play the crucial role of promoting health, preventing illness and prolonging life, no matter what health care reform the country is put in. But for nurses to help change the current health care system, they must be able to fully utilize their potentials by sharing their knowledge and experience to educate and promote health awareness; assessing the information, terminologies, and concept available to them and creating opportunities such as support groups to share new information and experiences which are accorded to them, as mentioned by GANM (2006). References (2008). Mnnesota registered nurses promote law to improve patient care and address health care costs. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 Deacon, S. (2001). Nursing for health: Areview of the contribution of nurses, midwives and health visitors to improving the public’s health in scotland. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from Department of Health. (2000). Vital contribution made by community nurses to public health. February 27, 2008 from Global Alliance for Nursing and Midwifery Communities of Practice. (2006). Wrking together for health knowledge exchange. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from (December 17, 2007). State wtch California Gov. Schwarzenegger, state assembly speaker reach compromise on health system overhaul. Retrieved on February 27, 2008 from How to cite How can I as a Nurse Change the Public Health System in the USA?, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Designing an Interface for an Gift Shop †Myssignmenthelp.Com
Question: How to Do Designing an Interface and Gift Shop? Answer: Introducation The online stores today offer much more than local stores as one does not needs to keep searching for stores and the items that the person wants to buy. The online purchase are being preferred by people not because it seems convenient to them but also the shopping there gives a wider range to select from, a much comparative price, and along with that peoples review add much to it. The present proposal also deals with ecommerce. The online gift shop under consideration requires the best interface design so that people could come and buy happily. The proposal here deals in designing a complete user interface for running the application which can sell gifts online (Cebi, 2013). The interface uses different sets of programming codes for developing the whole project and then taking the customer step by step for the purchase of a product. The languages used can be highlighted as JavaScript, HTML and Java Scope The proposal aims to develop an Interface design for the users who want to shop online for gifts. The project is said deliver a web-based system which has been made to access through Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. The website platform will give opportunity to the consumers to create their own ID or shop with it by selecting from various ranges of gifts and products available. The consumer will have the facility to pay through the same with a safe payment gateway (Huang Benyoucef, 2013). The consumer can select and item from the whole range fix it in the cart and then finally buy it by setting the delivery address and the payment mode. The selection of programming language makes it easier for the developer to understand the code and be robust, cross-platform at the same time. Objectives To design an online shopping platform for a gift shop is the core objective of the proposal. To provide customer with more friendly, structured and less complicated website which any type of user can use and take advantage of. The proposal will specify on the different requirements of the interface including the internal and external factors. These services will be possible only after the installation of the app. Prototyping of the shop, realization and its major operations functionality will be developed. The system is aid to have an incorporated feedback structure for the company to get a clear understanding of the product and its deliverables. The proposal identifies the two basic aspects of the online which are providing far more superior accuracy in data selection and providing the customer with their quick responses. User Requirements The user requirements for such a system can be classified under two categories which are functional and non-functional requirements. For developing any plan for a proposal the fundamental requirements are first analysed. The requirements being mentioned should be measurable, testable, and actionable and must be integrated with the proposed system design. Some of the highlighted user requirements are: Accuracy in Search results Browsing ability Search Suggestion required which has to be in relation with the users search term Ability to get complete information of the product including any freebies or discounts being offered(Goh, 2013) Ability to place the item in the cart or to add it in the wishlist Ability to complete the purchase by following the options being provided Objectives determined from requirements The user requirements identified leads to basic requirements the interface requires. The first and the foremost requirement is the presence of the home page where the user is first taken to. Next the user requires a section where the list of the categories to shop from is seen along with some highlighted products (de Barros, Leito Ribeiro, 2014). After that the user requires a search tab where the user can enter the exact item name to be purchased associated with a search button which takes the user to the page of its search index. The UI should have a radio button or simple button to place the item under the selected product or to add it in the list of interested product. Browsing through the products available is another requirement. Rechecking the product and its detail and then completing the payment process Outputs and Targets The output of the planning being will produce the UI with all the required features which the UI will contain to satisfy the needs of the people. The search panel provided after entering the data will show related and somewhat accurate results. These results can be then browsing though after which the system is selected. The option for the product being selected to putting it in the wishlist is shown by the product getting ticked at the topmost right corner of the page. Once the order selected is placed the screen takes the consumer to the payment gateway from where he can chose the payment option (Wu, 2013). After the process is completed the user is shown a message as order placed signifying the completion of the product. Success Criteria Success criteria of the project can be highlighted in points first being the effectiveness with which the UI functions. The experience being provide should be very appropriate. The UI should effectively and much efficiently perform the job and then approve the task completion procedure (Albert Tullis, 2013). The UI should is attractive other than being efficient it should be designed such that it attracts the user for the discounted products being displayed or any recent offers. Key Assumptions The key assumption in the designing of the online based gift shop is to help the shop increase its number if customer now. Online presence is assumed to help the business grow as it would be available to everyone and to those also who never want to go out for shopping. The improvisation will enhance the experience of the customers by letting them browse through the way they like. The user friendly interface will help in gaining more and more customers. Design Aims The design being implemented is based on the main six user interface principles which are layout, user experience, content awareness, minimal user effort, consistency and aesthetics. The design being implemented though follows all the principles but fairly focuses on the first four. The window navigation diagram depicts the layout of the objects present on the screen in menu or a form or something like radio button. Each component is a stereotype (Gregory, Gourley Hopf, 2014). The usage of Interface metaphor for the present case is conceptualized as personalized gifts. Along with this to enhance the user experience the interface objects are clearly specified using different class name for different sections. Minimal effort applied through the customer is intensified through the auto suggestions made along with saving the previous delivery options to reduce the steps a customer has to go through. Design Outline The designed will be delivered in three phases so that the user modification can be included: Major screen layouts: The designs for the major screen will be created first. The components involved like icons menus or buttons will be decided at first and then their presence place. The users of different countries have different browsing technique so the customization may help in satisfying large number of people (Johnson, 2013 ). In the next phase the fonts, colours, types, and sizes will be aimed. The designer will focus on making the design more and more attractive with some live gestures which keep on repeating. In the last phase the complete walkthrough platform would be delivered where the user can go through the whole process till the completion of a task. For example the user can check by opting to buy something and in a way checks out the whole procedure. Proposed Evaluation Methods The evaluation is conducted to identify any significant change required and is implemented twice at least for the best results. The evaluation method to be used here in the designing of the online gift shop can be heuristic evaluation along with walkthrough at a later stage (Scott, 2014). The heuristics involves checking on the input interface navigation to the output result and matches it with the set principles of user interface design. Shneiderman's "Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design or the general principles mentioned above can be set as the evaluation criteria on basis of which the evaluation can be conducted (Yin, 2015). Reference Huang, Z., Benyoucef, M. (2013). From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,12(4), 246-259. Cebi, S. (2013). A quality evaluation model for the design quality of online shopping websites.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,12(2), 124-135. Goh, K. N., Chen, Y. Y., Lai, F. W., Daud, S. C., Sivaji, A., Soo, S. T. (2013, April). A comparison of usability testing methods for an e-commerce website: A case study on a Malaysia online gift shop. InInformation Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2013 Tenth International Conference on(pp. 143-150). IEEE. Wu, W. Y., Lee, C. L., Fu, C. S., Wang, H. C. (2013). How can online store layout design and atmosphere influence consumer shopping intention on a website?.International Journal of Retail Distribution Management,42(1), 4-24. de Barros, A. C., Leito, R., Ribeiro, J. (2014). Design and evaluation of a mobile user interface for older adults: navigation, interaction and visual design recommendations.Procedia Computer Science,27, 369-378. Albert, W., Tullis, T. (2013).Measuring the user experience: collecting, analyzing, and presenting usability metrics. Newnes. Gregory, M., Gourley, C. R., Hopf, S. (2014).U.S. Patent No. D711,400. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Johnson, J. (2013).Designing with the mind in mind: simple guide to understanding user interface design guidelines. Elsevier. Scott, W. A. (2014). User Interface Design Tips, Techniques, and Principles. Yin, R., Zhang, B., Kang, M., Li, T., Chen, K., Kang, Y. (2015). Basic Principles of Information System UI Design. InProceedings of the 15th International Conference on ManMachineEnvironment System Engineering(pp. 419-423). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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